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Серия "5*******/ (Sonopress GmbH)"

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# ID Название диска Платформа Дата записи* Компании
1 00095 51119 039 01 + 51119044Bionicle Power Pack (энциклопедия) PC 2001-03-12 Аноним
2 00095 51277 787 01 / 51281960Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos PC 2002-06-22 Софт Клаб
3 00095 51277 787 01 / 51281960Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos PC 2002-06-20 Софт Клаб
4 00095 51277 787 01 / 51281960Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos PC 2002-06-20 Софт Клаб
5 00095 51331 755 02 * 51484990StarCraft (оригинал) PC 2001-04-13 Софт Клаб
6 00095 51359 228 01 / 51479272Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (оригинал) PC 2003-02-06 Софт Клаб
7 00095 51372 070 01/51372714No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. CD1 PC 2003-03-14 Софт Клаб
8 00095 51372 070 03/51380500No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. CD1 PC 2003-03-14 Софт Клаб
9 00095 51372 093 01+51372716No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. CD2 PC 2003-03-14 Софт Клаб
10 00095 51372 093 03/51382572No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. CD2 PC 2003-03-14 Софт Клаб
11 00095 51381 457 01 * 51491978Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne PC 2003-05-23 Софт Клаб
12 00095 51442 843 03 / 51442928Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death. CD1 PC 2003-10-08
13 00095 51442 848 01 / 51444205Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death. CD2 PC 2003-10-08
14 00095 51654 972 50 01 * 51661282F.E.A.R.. DVD (расширенное издание) PC 2005-09-22 Софт Клаб
15 00095 51654 972 50 01 * 51661282F.E.A.R.. DVD PC Софт Клаб
16 50311786/110045 S 21Cable Guy. DVD (видео) Video 1999-12-18 Видеомакс
17 50342905/CZX08803657D 01Global Operations (оригинал) PC 2002-04-08 Софт Клаб
18 50371821/31147-101-UK 01Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix. CD1 (оригинал) PC 2002-05-04 Activision, Inc.
19 50371954/31147-102-UK 01Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix. CD2 (оригинал) PC 2002-05-04 Activision, Inc.
20 50498550/MXX08803907D2 02Sims: Double Deluxe. CD2 (оригинал) PC 2003-08-27 Софт Клаб
21 50498572/MXX08803907D 05Sims: Double Deluxe. CD1 (оригинал) PC 2003-08-27 Софт Клаб
22 50632105/WWE08003954D 22Command & Conquer: Generals - Deluxe Edition. CD1 (оригинал) PC 2003-01-17 Electronic Arts
23 50632131/WWE08003954D2 01Command & Conquer: Generals - Deluxe Edition. CD2 (оригинал) PC 2003-01-17 Electronic Arts
24 50710736/MXX08004027D 01Sims: Superstar (оригинал) PC 2003-04-23 Софт Клаб
25 50818842/MXX08004180D 01Sims: Double Deluxe. CD4 (оригинал) PC 2003-08-27 Софт Клаб
26 50833745/WWE08004143D 01Command & Conquer: Generals - Deluxe Edition. CD3 (оригинал) PC 2003-01-17 Electronic Arts
27 50833757/WWE08004143D2 22Command & Conquer: Generals - Deluxe Edition. CD4 (оригинал) PC 2003-01-17 Electronic Arts
28 50859030/EAX08004073D2 21Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. CD2 (оригинал) PC 2003-10-08 Electronic Arts
29 50859035/EAX08004073D3 01Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. CD3 (оригинал) PC 2003-10-08 Electronic Arts
30 50859049/EAX08004073D 02Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. CD1 (оригинал) PC 2003-10-08 Electronic Arts
31 50998327/MXX08004179D 02SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition. CD1 (оригинал) PC 2003-09-04 Electronic Arts
32 50998329/MXX08004179D2 01SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition. CD2 (оригинал) PC 2003-09-04 Electronic Arts
33 51276189/S1001998 S 21Half-Life 2. DVD (оригинал) PC 2004-10-08 Софт Клаб
34 51284413/DGX08004504D2 23Battlefield: Vietnam. CD2 (оригинал) PC 2004-10-22 Electronic Arts
35 51284416/DGX08004504D 23Battlefield: Vietnam. CD1 (оригинал) PC 2004-10-22 Electronic Arts
36 51284529/DGX08004504D4 23Battlefield: Vietnam. CD4 (оригинал) PC 2004-10-22 Electronic Arts
37 51284530/DGX08004504D3 22Battlefield: Vietnam. CD3 (оригинал) PC 2004-10-22 Electronic Arts
38 51355094/M000668D10 DO 21Terminator. DVD DL (видео) Video 2004-12-13 Гемини Фильм Интернациональ
39 51531077/5003928 S 22Settlers: Heritage of Kings. DVD PC 2005-06-13 Новый диск, Nival Entertainment
40 51531077/5003928 S 22Settlers: Heritage of Kings. DVD PC Одиссей, Nival Entertainment
41 51587671/EAX07704749D CC 22NHL 06. DVD PC 2005-08-06 Electronic Arts
42 51622077/EAX07704900D CC 24Black & White 2. DVD (оригинал) PC 2005-09-06 Electronic Arts
43 51645708/EAR07704784CS CC 23FIFA 06. DVD PC 2005-09-23 Electronic Arts
44 51695306/MXR07704637D CC 21Sims 2. DVD PC 2005-10-22 Electronic Arts
45 51695306/MXR07704637D CC 21Sims 2. Подарочное издание. DVD1 PC 2008-01-12 Electronic Arts
46 51695306/MXR07704637D CC 21Sims 2. DVD PC 2005-10-22 Electronic Arts
47 51728469/DGX07704634D-1 CC 24Battlefield 2. DVD (оригинал) PC 2005-11-01 Electronic Arts
48 51743348/EAR08004348D 21Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban PC 2005-11-21 Electronic Arts
49 51743348/EAR08004348D 22Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban PC 2005-11-21 Electronic Arts
50 51743348/EAR08004348D 22Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban PC 2005-11-21 Electronic Arts
51 51744167/EAR08903549D 21Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone PC 2005-11-08 Electronic Arts
52 51744173/EAR08003860 1D 23Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets PC 2005-11-21 Electronic Arts
53 51744173/EAR080038601D 23Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets PC 2005-11-21 Electronic Arts
54 51744873/EAR07704456D CC 21Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth. DVD PC 2005-12-01 Electronic Arts
55 51758631/EAR08004445D2 21Need for Speed: Underground 2. CD2 PC 2005-12-22 Electronic Arts
56 51758631/EAR08004445D2 22Need for Speed: Underground 2. CD2 PC Electronic Arts
57 51758637/EAR08004445D 22Need for Speed: Underground 2. CD1 PC Electronic Arts
58 51758637/EAR08004445D 22Need for Speed: Underground 2. CD1 PC 2005-12-22 Electronic Arts
59 51771637/MXR08801496D 21SimCity 3000 PC 1999-03-09 Electronic Arts
60 51771643/DVR08903282D 21Clive Barker's Undying PC 2002-08-16 Electronic Arts
61 51795598/5004152-1 22Dungeon Siege II. CD1 PC 2006-01-10 1С, Логрус
62 51799442/DWR07704116D CC 21Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault. DVD PC 2006-01-31 Electronic Arts
63 51812934/SEGA-PC034 22Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (оригинал) PC 2006-02-17 Софт Клаб
64 51818340/EAX07704785D CC 24Godfather: The Game. DVD PC 2006-02-22 Electronic Arts
65 51832702/EAR07704902D CC 22Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II. DVD PC 2006-03-03 Electronic Arts
66 51848304/MXR07704985D CC 21Sims 2: Open for Business. DVD PC 2006-03-28 Electronic Arts
67 51852756/S1003673 21Ice Age 2: The Meltdown. CD1 PC 2006-03-29 Софт Клаб
68 51852772/S1003674 21Ice Age 2: The Meltdown. CD2 PC 2006-03-29 Софт Клаб
69 51857962/5004631-1 21Age of Empires III. CD1 PC 2006-03-03 1С, Логрус
70 51857962/5004631-1 21Age of Empires III. CD1 PC 2006-03-03 1С Мультимедіа Україна, Логрус
71 51857962/5004631-1 21Age of Empires III. CD1 PC 2006-03-03 1С, Логрус
72 51864305/S0025826 21Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos PC Софт Клаб
73 51881424/EAR07704778D CC 21Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. DVD PC 2006-04-04 Electronic Arts
74 51881730/EAR07704797D CC 22Need for Speed: Most Wanted. DVD PC 2006-04-04 Electronic Arts
75 51881730/EAR07704797D CC 22Need for Speed: Most Wanted PC Electronic Arts
76 51914762/SEGA-PC036-RU S 21Rome: Total War. Gold Edition. DVD PC 2006-03-08
77 51964328/MXX08005081D 21Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff PC 2006-07-21 Electronic Arts
78 53298833/WWR07706277D DO 21Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3. DVD PC 2008-10-10 Electronic Arts
79 52016524/MXX07705412D CC 22Sims 2: Pets. DVD PC 2006-09-09 Electronic Arts
80 52028403/OPENSEASON_RUSSIAN_B S 22Open Season. DVD PC 2006-09-18 Новый диск
81 52043521/EAR07705407D CC 22Need for Speed: Carbon. DVD PC 2006-10-30 Electronic Arts
82 52043521/EAR07705407D CC 22Need for Speed: Carbon. DVD PC 2006-10-30 Electronic Arts
83 52067244/S0030214 S 22Eragon PC Софт Клаб
84 52082642/S1003984 S 21F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point. DVD PC 2006-10-04 Софт Клаб
85 52082642/S1003984 S 21F.E.A.R. Gold Edition. DVD2 PC Софт Клаб
86 52085144/S1003345 S 21F.E.A.R. Gold Edition. DVD1 PC Софт Клаб
87 52085144/S1003345 S 21F.E.A.R.. DVD PC 2005-09-22 Софт Клаб
88 52085144/S1003345 S 22F.E.A.R. Gold Edition. DVD1 (сборник) PC Софт Клаб
89 52085886/SWAT-CD-1 21SWAT 4. CD1 PC Софт Клаб
90 52085912/SWAT-CD-1 21SWAT 4. CD2 PC Софт Клаб
91 52195364/WWY07705529D D 21Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. DVD PC 2007-03-07 Electronic Arts
92 52195364/WWY07705529D D 31Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. DVD PC 2007-03-07 Electronic Arts
93 52256593/MXX07705630D2 CC 21Sims 2 Double Deluxe. DVD2 PC 2007-04-03 Electronic Arts
94 52273420/MXX08005576D 22Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff PC 2007-05-15 Electronic Arts
95 52361511/S2148101 21Starcraft + Starcraft. Brood War. Expansion Set. CD2 (оригинал) PC 2002-01-28 Софт Клаб
96 52361577/S2148001 21Starcraft + Starcraft. Brood War. Expansion Set. CD1 (оригинал) PC 2002-01-28 Софт Клаб
97 52363381/DWX07705823D DO 22|52363382/DWX07705823D D 23Medal of Honor: Airborne. DVD DL PC 2007-08-16 Electronic Arts
98 52381083/SEGA-PC055-RU D 21|52381084/SEGA-PC055-RU DO 22Medieval II: Total War - Kingdoms. DVD DL PC 2007-08-14 Софт Клаб
99 52381083/SEGA-PC055-RU D 21|52381084/SEGA-PC055-RU DO 22Medieval II: Total War - Kingdoms. DVD DL PC 2007-08-14 Софт Клаб
100 52414653/SEGA-PC056RUSSPI CC 22 plusSega Rally Revo. DVD PC 2007-09-11 Софт Клаб
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 * - дата записи диска. Может не соответствовать дате издания (у плагиаторов, оригинальных изданиях и переизданий без изменения структуры данных на диске).
Created by PavelDAS, Минск, 2012
nick PavelDAS
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